Electronics 11/12
Electronics 11 MEL-11
Throughout this course students will continue to demonstrate an understanding of digital control devices as well as to work with 120 volt alternating current circuitry. Students will be working on mandatory skills building projects both individually and with partners. Students will learn to design their own circuit boards as well as manufacture a case. Students may choose to provide materials for enhanced project work. Students will also experiment with Arduino microcontrollers using a variety of input and output devices. Projects may include electronic dice, electronic roulette, a color organ, electronic piano, a metal detector, or a power supply.
Electronics 12 MEL-12
This course is intended for those students who would like to further their skills and knowledge of electronic control devices through individually designed and developed circuit boards. Students will learn AutoCAD to draft their prototyped circuits and then will plot the drawn circuitry onto Copper circuit boards. All circuits will be student designed, developed and manufactured including an enclosure to suit the project. Students may work with D.C. or A.C. or integrate the two within their projects. Students will also experiment with Arduino microcontrollers using a variety of input and output devices with a focus on applied robotics.